OPTICS & PHOTONICS International Congress 2024

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OPTM2024 » Poster Presentation

OPTM Poster Session

Wed. Apr 24, 2024 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Hall A (Pacifico Yokohama Exhibition Hall)

[OPTMp-01] Installation of the photosensor for the underwater laser scanner

*Yutaka Hasegawa1, Keisuke Akiyama1, Takamitsu Okada2, Shojiro Ishibashi3 (1. HAMAMATSU PHOTONICS K.K. , 2. Mitsubishi Electric Defense and Space Technologies Corp., 3. Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)

We developed the microchannel plates (MCP) Photomultiplier tubes (PMT) for the underwater laser scanner. This MCP-PMT achieved higher sensitivity and longer life in comparison with conventional products.

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