


[S32] 地域医療薬学の実践 —Pharmacist is anywhere—

2021年3月28日(日) 15:45 〜 17:45 [I会場] 講演会場I (オンライン)

オーガナイザー:川上 美好(北里大薬)、笠師 久美子(北医療大薬)

 In Japan, a comprehensive community care system is being constructed toward the target year of 2025 so that people can continue their own life in the familiar area till to the end of their life.
Among them, the activities of pharmacists in the "community" have been expanding more and more in recent years. In addition to the basic functions of a "family pharmacist / pharmacy," pharmacists and pharmacy are expected to play a role as "health support pharmacies" that support the independent maintenance and promotion of health by local residents.
The role of pharmacists is expanding in all areas of the community, such as prescription dispensing and self-medication support within pharmacies, disease prevention and health promotion for local residents, and collaboration with doctors, nurses, and other health care workers in the community.
The purpose of this symposium is to provide various information that is considered to be useful in the future for the expansion of the "family pharmacist / pharmacy,". At this symposium, pharmacists from the United States, Japan, and Australia will give lectures on the practices of community settings in each countries, new initiatives and future prospects. We would like to consider new possibilities for the expansion of "Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences in Community Pharmacy" in Japan in the future.

Introduction: Miyoshi Kawakami (Kitasato Univ. Sch. Pharm.) (15:45 〜 15:50)

Closing Remarks: Kumiko Kasashi (Health Sci. Univ. Hokkaido) (17:40 〜 17:45)





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