


[1FT-1] 構造生物学 (1P-01~1P-25)

2021年6月16日(水) 14:00 〜 14:30 チャンネル1

座長:山口 宏(関西学院大学)、禾 晃和(横浜市立大学)

[1P-10*] NMRによるシニョリンとその変異体の立体構造解析

小六 隼平1, 光武 亜代理1, 丸山 豊3, 竹内 恒2, 今井 美咲2 (1.明治大学大学院 理工学研究科 物理学専攻, 2.産総研, 3.理化学研究所)

Chignolin, which was designed by Honda et al., is an artificial mini-protein consisting of 10 amino acids:GYDPETGTWG. Its atomic coordinates were determined by NMR. It is widely used to test new simulation algorithm and analysis methods. Chignolin is characterized by two stablestates in molecular dynamics (MD) simulations: a native state and a misfolded state. In our previous works, we proposed several mutations of Thr8 to stabilize the misfolded structure rather than the native structure. Here, we show the results of determination of structures of super-chignolin, chignolin and its mutant by NMR analysis.