


[1P-2] ポスター1(1P-49ー1P-87)

2021年6月16日(水) 14:45 〜 16:45 ポスター会場2

[1P-60*] 異種由来のサブユニットから成るハイブリッドF1-ATPaseの回転特性

渡邉 亮1, ザルコ-ザバラ マリエル1, タス ブスラ2, 小林 稜平1, 上野 博史1, リ チュン-ビュー2, 野地 博行1 (1.東大・院・工, 2.ストックホルム大)

F1-ATPase(F1) is a rotary molecular motor. The minimum complex of F1 required for rotation is α3β3γ1, in which the γ subunit is inserted in the central cavity of the α3β3-ring. During ATP hydrolysis, structural change of catalytic subunit β causes rotation of γ. Extensive rotation assays have revealed the variation in rotary properties among F1s from thermophilic Bacillus PS3, bovine mitochondria and Paracoccus denitrificans, despite the close sequence homology. An arising question is, what is the dominant factor for the variation? Here, to identify the dominant subunit, we constructed 8 types of hybrid F1s consisting of subunits from the three genuine F1s and compared the rotary properties: rotational rate and stepping size in rotation. Rotation assays of the hybrid F1s revealed strong correlation between rotational rate and the species from which the α and β subunits are derived. We have succeeded in constructing a mathematical model that describes the correlation. It suggests the dominance of both of α and β over rotational rate. However, strong correlation between stepping size and each subunit was not found. These results suggest that the rotary properties of F1 are determined by combination of subunits, but not a particular subunit.