08:50 〜 09:10
*Huan Li1, Jose Pires1 (1. United State Nuclear Regulatory Commission)
Division 5: Modelling, Testing & Response Analysis of Structures, Systems and Components
2024年3月6日(水) 08:50 〜 10:10 314 (Conference Center 3F)
Chair:Le Pape Yann(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Co-Chair: Izumi Nakamura(Tokyo City University)
08:50 〜 09:10
*Huan Li1, Jose Pires1 (1. United State Nuclear Regulatory Commission)
09:10 〜 09:30
Parth A Patel1, *Abhinav Gupta2, Saran Srikanth Bodda3, Harleen Kaur Sandhu4 (1. Structural Engineer, PowerN Inc., USA, 2. Director, Center for Nuclear Energy Facilities and Structures (CNEFS), NCSU, USA, 3. Research Faculty, CNEFS, NCSU, USA, 4. Postdoctoral Scholar, CNEFS, NCSU, USA)
09:30 〜 09:50
*Yann M Le Pape1, Amani Cheniour1, Mohammed Alnaggar1, Eva Davidson1, Yong Joon Choi2, Samantha Sabatino1, Madhumita Sircar3 (1. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2. Idaho National Laboratory, 3. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission)
09:50 〜 10:10
*Juan Francisco Crescente1, Santiago Ward1 (1. INVAP S.E.)
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