16:05 〜 16:30
*Thomas Heitz1, Ibrahim Bitar1, Maria Lancieri1, Paola Traversa2, Julien Berger2, Elias El Haber2, Irmela Zentner2, Benjamin Richard1, Emmanuel Viallet2 (1. IRSN, 2. Electricité de France)
Special Session
2024年3月7日(木) 16:05 〜 17:45 315 (Conference Center 3F)
Chair:Thomas Heitz(IRSN)
Co-Chair:Elias El Haber(EDF)
Organizer: Thomas Heitz (IRSN)
Co-organizer: Elias El Haber (EDF)
Aim and Scope for Special Session:
On November 11, 2019, at 12h30 pm, a 4.9 magnitude (Mw) shallow earthquake occurred at approximately 15 km from Cruas NPP (called Le-Teil earthquake). The peak ground acceleration values recorded in free field are between 0.02 and 0.05g (in three directions for two monitoring stations). In accordance with operational procedures, the in-structure response was also recorded. In addition, post-earthquake walkdowns were performed to collect in situ data on various SSCs.
Those novel and valuable data have motivated EDF and IRSN, under the umbrella of the OECD/NEA, to organize the SMATCH international benchmark that began in early 2023 and continue until 2024. The objective of this benchmark is to assess the efficiency of engineering practices for calculating the seismic response of structures, particularly for nuclear power plants with seismic base isolation. The benchmark consists of two main phases: (1) characterizing the seismic ground motion at the Cruas site and (2) assessing the seismic response of the base-isolated Cruas nuclear power plant. During this special session, a general presentation of the data provided to the participants and the questions to answer will first be given. Then, some teams will present their work and results regarding the phase (1). Eventually, any consensus reached so far at each benchmark stage at the date of the conference will be shared and discussed.
16:05 〜 16:30
*Thomas Heitz1, Ibrahim Bitar1, Maria Lancieri1, Paola Traversa2, Julien Berger2, Elias El Haber2, Irmela Zentner2, Benjamin Richard1, Emmanuel Viallet2 (1. IRSN, 2. Electricité de France)
16:30 〜 16:55
Katarzyna Staszewaks1, Huan Li2, Jinsuo Nie2, Vladimir Graizer2, José Pires2, *Boris Jeremić2 (1. University of California, 2. Nuclear Regulatory Commission)
16:55 〜 17:20
*Mohamed Zouatine1, Lars Heibges1, Ludwig Bahr2, Hamid Sadegh Azar3 (1. University of Kaiserslautern-Landau, 2. Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH, 3. University of Kaiserslautern)
17:20 〜 17:45
Zongchao Li1, Zhiwei Ji1, Jize Sun2, Yuchuan Tang3, Xiangyu Liu4, *Mao Chen4 (1. China Earthquake Administration, 2. Shenzhen Academy of Disaster Prevention and Reduction, 3. Southeast University , 4. State Nuclear Electric Power Planning Design & Research Institute)
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