14:05 〜 14:25
Try MENG1, *David BOUHJITI1, Benjamin RICHARD1 (1. IRSN/PSN-EXP/SES/LMAPS, B.P. 17 - 92262 Fontenay-aux-Roses Cedex, France)
Division 7: Safety, Reliability, Risk and Safety Margins
2024年3月7日(木) 14:05 〜 15:45 418 (Conference Center 4F)
Chair:Philippe RENAULT(SDA-engineering GmbH)
Co-Chair: Masato Nakajima(Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry)
14:05 〜 14:25
Try MENG1, *David BOUHJITI1, Benjamin RICHARD1 (1. IRSN/PSN-EXP/SES/LMAPS, B.P. 17 - 92262 Fontenay-aux-Roses Cedex, France)
14:25 〜 14:45
*Irmela Zentner1 (1. EDF R&D)
14:45 〜 15:05
*Seung Jae Lee1, Hae Yeon Ji1, Si Young Kim1, Young Jun Byun1, Jung Han Kim1 (1. Department of Civil Engineering Pusan National University)
15:05 〜 15:25
*Masato Nakajima1, Toshiaki Sakai2, Jun’ichi Miyakoshi3 (1. Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, 2. Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, 3. Ohsaki Research Institute, Inc.)
15:25 〜 15:45
*Tsuyoshi Takada1, Hideaki Tsutsumi2, Manabu Kawata3 (1. Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 2. Total Support System Corporation, 3. Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
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