09:00 〜 09:05
○Seiichi Miyazaki1 (1. General Chair, Organizing Committee)
Opening, Award Ceremony and Plenary Sessions
2023年9月6日(水) 09:00 〜 12:40 Shirotori Hall
Session Chairs: Osamu Nakatsuka (Chair, Steering Committee), Jun Suda (Chair, Program Committee)
09:00 〜 09:05
○Seiichi Miyazaki1 (1. General Chair, Organizing Committee)
09:05 〜 09:10
○Toshiro Hiramoto1 (1. President, The Japan Society of Applied Physics)
09:10 〜 09:25
09:25 〜 10:10
○Huili Grace Xing1 (1. Cornell Univ. (USA))
Break (10:10 〜 10:25)
10:25 〜 11:10
○Meng-Fan (Marvin) Chang1 (1. Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Ltd. (Taiwan))
11:10 〜 11:55
○Atsuyoshi Koike1 (1. Rapidus Corp. (Japan))
11:55 〜 12:40
○James S. Clarke1 (1. Intel Corp. (USA))
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