
SSDM2023 will be held basically in in-person style, as before the COVID-19 pandemic, with taking necessary measures to prevent infection.
This year, 581 abstracts were submitted for regular presentations from 19 countries around the world, being fairly close to the number of submissions in 2019. Almost a half of submissions were from oversea. As a result of rigorous peer reviews by the program committee, we were able to select 261 high-quality papers for oral presentations and 150 for poster presentations.
Tutorial titled “Si-based Technology: Past, Present, and Future” will be conducted free of charge on the morning of September 5th, hosted by Katsunori Makihara from Nagoya Univ., in which two talks of “Device scaling: from geometrical scaling via new materials to 3D sequential stacking” and “Exploring Low Power Devices with New Materials and Steep Slope Transistors” will be provided by Roger Loo from imec, and Qing-Tai Zhao from Forschungszentrum Jülich, respectively.
Two Short Courses will be given in the afternoon of September 5th before the Welcome Reception, focusing on “Leading-edge CMOS Technology for 2nm-node and beyond”, organized by Meishoku Masahara from AIST and chaired by Toshifumi Irisawa from AIST, and “Plasma technology: Cornerstone of the post-scaling and next milestone of assurance energy and environment”, organized by Kenji Ishikawa from Nagoya Univ. and chaired by Masanori Terahara from Western Digital Corp. The valuable technical knowledge and ideas on these topics will be provided by industrial and academic global leaders.
On September 6th, technical session starts from Plenary sessions including a SSDM Award Ceremony. We will have 4 excellent plenary talks by the following distinguished speakers; “Unique physics and applications in III-nitride semiconductors and heterostructures” by Huili Grace Xing from Cornell Univ., “Challenges in Advanced Semiconductor Industry: Technology, Design and Talents” by Meng-Fan (Marvin) Chang from TSMC, “Limitless Quest - Exploring true prosperity of human beings through semiconductor technology and manufacturing innovation” by Atsuyoshi Koike from Rapidus Corp., “ From a Grain of Sand to a 〈Quantum〉 Bit of Information” by James Clarke from Intel.
Regular sessions in 12 research areas of the SSDM2023 scope follow the Plenary Sessions and consist of 52 invited talks and 411 contributed presentations including 27 late-news presentations for 3 days. For in-depth discussions on some specific topics, 5 focus sessions pre-planned between 2 or 3 areas and 1 joint session have also been arranged. A poster session is scheduled in the late afternoon of September 7th, just after the parallel sessions of short oral presentations for all posters. In the evening of September 7th, a Rump session titled “Expectations of semiconductor devices and materials for Automotive applications” is organized and chaired by Jun Suda from Nagoya Univ., in which intriguing topics will be provided by Kazuoki Matsugatani from DENSO Corp.
The SSDM is officially sponsored by The Japan Society of Applied Physics. We also express our sincere gratitude to many corporations and foundations for their financial support as listed in the following URL:
I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all the contributors sharing their latest research achievements, results and ideas to make SSDM2023 so stimulating and exciting. Semiconductors and any other materials for electronic, photonic and spintronic devices are an important foundation to support the digital society such as 5G and Beyond, Big Data, AI, IoT, Autonomous Driving, Robotics, Smart Cities, DX, X-informatics, etc. From this point of view, I strongly believe that SSDM plays an important role in our society, by promoting steady progress of “Solid State Devices and Materials”, which are vital for high-quality, secure living and sustainable social development.
I hope you enjoy the exciting program with stimulating discussions and inspiring opinion exchanges during the conference.
September 2023
Seiichi Miyazaki
Chair, Organizing Committee, SSDM2023
Chair, Organizing Committee, SSDM2023