2023 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials


Short Oral Presentation

11: Advanced Materials: Synthesis / Crystal Growth / Characterization

[SO-PS-11] 11: Advanced Materials: Synthesis / Crystal Growth / Characterization

2023年9月7日(木) 13:30 〜 14:10 Room M (431, Bldg. 4)

Session Chairs: Shingo Ogawa (Toray Research Center, Inc.), Taizoh Sadoh (Kyushu Univ.)

13:38 〜 13:40

[SO-PS-11-05] Radical Treatment of Graphene Oxide Using Heated Catalyst, H2 and NH3 Gas

Akira Heya1, Kenta Fujimoto1, Yoshiaki Matsuo2, Junichi Inamoto2, Koji Sumitomo1 (1. Univ. of Hyogo (Japan), 2. Univ. of Hyogo (Japan))

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