
Parallel Session

Topic 4: Disordered and glassy systems

Parallel Session [T4-08B]

2023年8月8日(火) 17:30 〜 19:30 Classroom 279 (#279 in Building 1 of the School of Science, 2F)

chair:Hans Herrmann

18:00 〜 18:15

[T4-08B-03] Micromechanic simulation of two-dimensional barchan dunes

*Pawel Deren1, Jan Mueller1, Kodai Tamano1, Hans-Georg Matuttis1 (1. Department of Mechanical and Intelligent Systems Engineering, The University of Electro-Communications)

キーワード:Granular Materials, Discrete Element Simulation, Finite Element Simulation, Two-phase flow, Barchan dunes

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