
Parallel Session

Topic 5: Biological physics

Parallel Session [T5a-08B]

2023年8月8日(火) 17:30 〜 19:30 Classroom 207 (#207 in Building 1 of the School of Science, 2F)

chair:Hiroyuki Ebata

19:00 〜 19:15

[T5a-08B-07] Actin alignment and flow in the growing interface that divides a cell

*Anirban Sain1, Mainak Chatterjee1, Arkya Chatterjee2, Amitabha Nandi1 (1. IIT Bombay, 2. IIT Bombay - MIT Boston)

キーワード:cytokinesis, hydrodynamics of actomyosin gel, stability

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