
Parallel Session

Topic 6: Soft matter

Parallel Session [T6-09A]

2023年8月9日(水) 09:30 〜 11:30 Classroom 285 (#285 in Building 1 of the School of Science, 2F)

chair:Olivier Dauchot

11:00 〜 11:15

[T6-09A-06] Soft crystals escaping Newton’s third law
From non-reciprocal mechanics to defect-induced melting

*Alexis Poncet1, Stéphane Guillet1, Marine Le Blay1, Denis Bartolo1, Ephraim Bililign2, Yehuda Ganan2, William Irvine2 (1. Laboratoire de physique, ENS de Lyon, Lyon, France, 2. James Franck Institute and Department of Physics, University of Chicago, Chicago, USA)

キーワード:non-reciprocal interactions, hydrodynamic interactions, active matter, driven matter, melting

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