WONCA APR Conference 2019/第10回日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会学術大会



第10回日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会学術大会 » 合同シンポジウム

[JS2] アジア・太平洋の離島医療
Island Medicine in Asia-Pacific Region

2019年5月17日(金) 13:30 〜 15:00 第2会場 (2F Room A)

座長:Dan Manahan (Darling Downs Hospital and Health service ACRRM and RACGP Fellow and Member Associate Professor Griffith University School of Medicine)、齋藤 学 (合同会社ゲネプロ)

[JS2-1] Go to the People: The UPM-SHS Leyte Island Experience in Human Resource Development

Adelaida D. Gaytos-Rosaldo, Rolando O. Borrinaga, PhD (University of the Philippines Manila School of Health Sciences)

Author 1: Adelaida D. Gaytos Rosaldo, MD, MTM, FPAFP

Education: Master in Tropical Medicine – March 2011 – Nagasaki University, Nagasaki Japan
Doctor of Medicine – Oct. 2004 – U.P. Manila School of Health Sciences, Palo, Leyte
Bachelor of Science in Community Health – U.P. Manila School of Health Sciences, Palo, Leyte

Work Experience :
Assistant Professor 2012
U.P. Manila School of Health Sciences
Associate Professor 2013 to present
U.P. Manila School of Health Sciences
Chair, Department of Medicine
Lead in the curriculum revision of the department
Handle Global Health Course Internship
Residency Training 2007-2009- Department of Family Medicine, Eastern Visayas Regional Medical Center Tacloban City
Rural Health Physician – 2004-2006

Author 2: Rolando O. Borringa, Ph.D
ROLANDO O. BORRINAGA, Ph.D. is now known as the foremost local historian of Eastern Visayas, the Leyte-Samar region in eastern Philippines. But he started out as a health researcher at the U.P. Manila School of Health Sciences (UPM-SHS), where he has worked since 1980 and now holds the rank of Full Professor. He had published health-related researches and papers in ICMR Annals and the Annals of Community-Oriented Education. He had also contributed a chapter on the then Institute of Health Sciences in the Oxford book, Reaching Health for All (1993). He was the Waray language translator of the Mother and Child Book (Barasahon Para han Nanay ug Bata), a health record-cum-education material for mothers from pregnancy through birthing until the seventh year of a child, which pamphlet was originally printed by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and distributed to Waray-speaking mothers in the Leyte-Samar region since 2011.

