

Special Interest Seminars » SIS11 Energy Materials

[SIS11] Energy Materials

Special Interest Seminars

2024年10月16日(水) 10:25 〜 11:50 Room D (3F 304, Conference Center)

Chairpersons: Naoto Kitamura (Tokyo University of Science, Japan), Miki Inada (Kyushu University, Japan)

11:10 〜 11:30

[16D-SIS11-06] Fabrication of Tilted Mg2Si/Metal Multilayer Composite Modules by a New Method and Evaluation of the Thermoelectric Power Generation Performance

*T. Kusumoto1, Y. Kurokawa1, N. Usami1, T. Itoh1 (1.Nagoya University, Japan)

キーワード:Thermoelectric material, Composite, Module, Sintering, Power generation

Mg2Si is a promising n-type thermoelectric material for thermoelectric power generation in the middle range of temperature and is lightweight. Mg and Si, the raw materials of Mg2Si, are abundant in the Earth’s crust, and Mg2Si has a low environmental impact. However, it is hard to make Π-type modules since p-type Mg2Si materials have not been developed enough, and Mg2Si has low fracture toughness. The transverse thermoelectric effect occurs by tilting the multilayer composite of thermoelectric and metallic materials. The effect makes it possible to fabricate modules using only one type of thermoelectric material and to enhance mechanical strength by sandwiching the fragile Mg2Si between metals. In this research, the molds with polylactic acid resin (PLA) were fabricated using a 3D printer. Mg2Si and metallic powders were packed in the PLA mold, making the tilted multilayer composite modules by SPS. The power generation performance of the modules was evaluated.