

Special Interest Seminars » SIS12 Carbon Neutrality (CN) in PM

[SIS12] Carbon Neutrality (CN) in PM

Special Interest Seminars

2024年10月16日(水) 14:00 〜 15:15 Room E (3F 313+314, Conference Center)

Chairpersons: Keiichi Ishihara (Institutional Advancement and Communication, Kyoto University, Japan), Janusz Kowalewski (Ipsen International, USA)

14:00 〜 14:30

[16E-SIS12-01] Keynote: Empowering PM Technology for a Carbon-Neutral Tomorrow

*K. Halada1 (1.National Institute for Material Science, Japan)

キーワード:resource efficiency, Near-Net Shaping, Metastable Phases Utilization, Shaping Versatility, Energy saving

In response to the climate crisis driven by the 'take, make, dispose' model and its heavy reliance on cheap energy, a crucial shift in production technology becomes imperative. Powder Metallurgy (PM) technology emerges as a pivotal solution, offering several key advantages. It eliminates or significantly reduces latent heat consumption during fusion, minimizes surplus material through near-net shaping, achieves exceptional performance using metastable phases, and enables versatile shaping through fluidization.The true potential of PM technology shines when applied to additive manufacturing, where it revolutionizes production by accommodating user-specific customization, starkly contrasting traditional mass replication.As we strive for a carbon-neutral society, PM technology guides us toward a future where resource efficiency and environmental stewardship harmonize. This journey holds the promise of a sustainable tomorrow, where technological advancement aligns seamlessly with resource preservation, forging a path towards a brighter, greener world.