

Special Interest Seminars » SIS13 Circular Economy and Sustainability in PM

[SIS13] Circular Economy and Sustainability in PM

Special Interest Seminars

2024年10月15日(火) 14:00 〜 15:10 Room E (3F 313+314, Conference Center)

Chairpersons: Kenta Takagi (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology (AIST), Japan), Norimitsu Hirose (Hoganas Japan K. K., Japan)

14:30 〜 14:50

[15E-SIS13-02] Valorization of AM Powder By-Products

*L.-P. Lefebvre1, O. Bergeron2 (1.National Research Council Canada, Canada, 2.AP&C, Canada)

キーワード:Additive manufacturing, Powders, Recycling, Sustainability

Additive manufacturing (AM) processes are using powders with various particle size distributions. Consequently, the atomized powders need to be screened to fit the requirements of the different AM processes. A significant fraction of metallic powders (typically the fine and coarse fractions) does not have the appropriate particle size distribution to be used in most AM processes and end up as by-products. This significantly impacts the cost and sustainability of many AM processes. There are opportunities and interest to adapt and develop processes to take advantages of the fine microstructures of these high quality rapidly solidified powders. This presentation provides examples of microstructure and properties of parts produced using fine and coarse plasma atomized powders. The effect of the particle size and consolidation technique on the properties of the materials is presented and discussed.