

General Sessions (Oral) » T1 Powder Production

[T1] Powder Production


2024年10月15日(火) 10:30 〜 12:10 Room C (3F 303, Conference Center)

Chairpersons: Noriharu Yodoshi (Kyushu University, Japan), Takamasa Mori (Hosei University, Japan)

11:10 〜 11:30

[15C-T1-15] New Gas Atomization Methods to Prepare Fine Metal Powders

*S. Yang1, K.-B. Kim1, J.-W. Jeong1, Y.-T. Kwon1, J.-Y. Yun1 (1.Korea Institute of Materials Science, Korea)

キーワード:Metal powder, Gas atomization, Spherical powder, Multi stage atomization, Amorphous powder

In order to improve the physical properties and price competitiveness of the PM product, the production yield of powders smaller than 10 micrometers should be increased, and spherical shape is one of the important factors to enhance packing density, flowability and etc. Fine spherical metal powders (~10 micrometers) are mostly prepared through the gas atomization process, and demand for applications such as magnets and electrical components is increasing, but the gas atomization process currently shows a low production yield of around 10 micrometer sized metal powders. Through a multi-stage atomization process, fine powders can be manufactured and even the crystalline phase can be controlled. After break up the molten metal with a high-pressure gas atomization, liquid nitrogen is injected into the molten metal droplets to produce fine metal powder. Since the crystal phase can be controlled, it is also possible to manufacture spherical amorphous metal powder.