

General Sessions (Poster) » T24 Circular Economy and Sustainability in PM

[T24] Circular Economy and Sustainability in PM


2024年10月16日(水) 13:00 〜 14:00 Poster Session (3F Foyer, Conference Center) (3F Foyer, Conference Center)

[16P-T24-02] A Study of the Properties of Ion-Selective Membranes as a Function of Calcination Temperature

*S. H. Baek1, 2, S.-H. Lee1, J. Yun1, H.-W. Lee1, Y. Kwon1, K.-R. Park1, Y. Song1, B. S. Kim1, H. Hwang2, D.-W. Jeong1 (1.Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Korea, 2.Inha University, Korea)

キーワード:LLTO, Lithium, Calcination, Powder

Lithium is a limited resource, and recent research has focused on selectively extracting lithium from seawater or wastewater. It is known that the most efficient way to extract lithium ions is to use a lithium ion selective membrane. Therefore, research is underway on LLTO (Li0.33 La0.56 TiO3), which has a perovskite structure that can selectively extract lithium. In this study, LLTO powders were prepared by solid state methods and their properties as a function of calcination temperature are discussed. It can be seen that the lower the calcination temperature, the more intermediate phases are formed, and the higher the temperature, the more complete phases are formed. It can also be seen that the orthorhombic phase forms above 900 °C. The crystal structures for which LLTO is highly selective are known to be cubic and tetragonal. Therefore, calcination at 800 °C is most desirable.