

General Sessions (Oral) » T7 AM Sinter Based Technologies

[T7] AM Sinter Based Technologies


2024年10月15日(火) 16:55 〜 18:55 Room A (3F 301, Conference Center)

Chairpersons: Thomas Weissgaerber (Fraunhofer IFAM Dresden/TU Dresden, Germany), Kee-Ahn Lee (Inha University, Korea)

18:15 〜 18:35

[15A-T7-10] Evaluation of Binder Jet 3D Printed (BJT) M2 Tool Steel against the Wrought M2, Powder Metallurgy (PM) M2 and Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) Maraging Steel for Mould Application

*S. Malgave1, P. Shanthappa1, C. Polidas1, A. Nagaraja1 (1.INDO-MIM PVT LTD, India)

キーワード:Additive Manufacturing (AM), Binder Jet 3D Printing (BJT), Tool steel M2, Conformal cooled (CC) mould

This work emphasizes the evaluation of BJT M2 Tool Steel against the Wrought M2, PM M2 and LBPF Maraging Steel for Mould Application. LBPF process is used to manufacture Conformal cooled molds using maraging steels. The limitation in hardness (52 – 56 HRC) demands new material with hardness >60 HRC to improve CC mould life. High speed steels (HSS) are the alternative options, but LBPF technology is not well suited for high-carbon ferrous alloys. BJT is capable of handling high-carbon alloys. M2 HSS is known for higher wear resistance. M2 metal powder properties optimisation done to achieve a better performance in the BJT process. Wear resistance, BJT M2 exhibits superior properties compared to Maraging steel, wrought and PM M2 steels. Improved hardness from modified chemistry and fine grain microstructure due to optimised sintering process helped in achieving high wear resistance properties in BJT M2 material.