

General Sessions (Oral) » T7 AM Sinter Based Technologies

[T7] AM Sinter Based Technologies


2024年10月16日(水) 09:00 〜 10:20 Room A (3F 301, Conference Center)

Chairpersons: Yukinori Taniguchi (National Institute of Technology, Nara College, Japan), Kazunari Shinagawa (Kyushu University, Japan)

09:00 〜 09:20

[16A-T7-12] Role of Process Parameters on the Effective Properties of the Print-Bed during Binder Jet Additive Manufacturing: A DEM-Based Study

*A. Malti1, C. Brandl1, T. T. Molla1 (1.The University of Melbourne, Australia)

キーワード:Powder spreading, discrete element method, binder jet printing, additive manufacturing

Analysis of the powder spreading process in additive manufacturing (AM) is often based on formation of a single layer of powders on a smooth substrate. While this approach is valid for powder-bed fusion AM techniques, it can oversimplify the printing process in binder jet (BJ-AM), where parts are built through multi-layer spreading of powders with liquid binder added in between. This study analyses the printing process based on multi-layer spreading of powders during BJ-AM process by using DEM simulation. The influence of printing parameters including layer thickness, roller velocity and substrate surface roughness on the bulk properties of the print-bed (e.g., density, structural homogeneity, and surface quality) are investigated. The study shows convergence of the relative density of the print-bed towards an asymptotic limit, while structural homogeneity and surface roughness vary significantly with process parameters. A process map is suggested showing parameter insensitive window for optimal powder spreading.