

General Sessions (Oral) » T7 AM Sinter Based Technologies

[T7] AM Sinter Based Technologies


2024年10月16日(水) 10:35 〜 11:55 Room A (3F 301, Conference Center)

Chairpersons: Takashi Itoh (Nagoya University, Japan), Masashi Fujinaga (JPMA Adviser, Japan)

10:35 〜 10:55

[16A-T7-16] Aluminum Powder with Superior Sinterability under Non-Pressure Process

*K. Kobayashi1, Y. Hirayama2, Z. Liu2, K. Takagi2, J. Kato1, K. Okada1 (1.Mitsubishi Materials Corporation, Japan, 2.National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan)

キーワード:aluminum, lanthanide, compound, non-pressure sintering, chemical reaction

Aluminum (Al) is one of the most important metals from an industrial viewpoint because of its superior electrical and thermal conductivity, light weight, low cost etc. However, it is well known as one of metals with low sinterability due to the thin but stable oxide layer on the particle surface.
This presentation demonstrates the possibility of Al powder in a powder metallurgy field, especially additive manufacturing techniques, by using lanthanide metal compounds as sintering aids. Newly developed Al gas-atomized powder recorded sintered density over 97% of that of bulk Al without any pressure, while commercially available Al gas-atomized powder became lower than 83% under the same condition. This sinterability enhancement is attributed to a novel chemical reaction route between Al particle surface and lanthanide metal cation during the sintering event.