

General Sessions (Oral) » T7 AM Sinter Based Technologies

[T7] AM Sinter Based Technologies


2024年10月16日(水) 16:10 〜 17:30 Room A (3F 301, Conference Center)

Chairpersons: Toru Shimizu (Tokyo Denki University, Japan), Toshiko Osada (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan)

17:10 〜 17:30

[16A-T7-29] Optimization of Debinding and Sintering in Metal Freeforming with the ARBURG Freeformer by Variation of Process Parameters and Part Design

*N. Krischke1, B. Wagner1, S. Yazgan1, J. Fleischer1 (1.Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)

キーワード:Additive Manufacturing, Metal Freeforming, Process Optimization, Arburg

The ARBURG freeformer has been enabled to use metal feedstocks known from the MIM sector to additively manufacture metal green parts. By debinding and sintering these green parts, it is possible to economically produce metal components. In this paper, existing guidelines of sintering and additive manufacturing processes are compared to derive optimized part design and process parameters for the sinter-based process chain. Water-soluble support structures to maximize the freedom of design for metal parts are introduced. A variety of printing strategies for wall thickness, infill structures and densities are evaluated according to their performance in debinding and sintering, as well as compressive strength, shrinkage behavior and dimensional tolerance of the sintered part. A reduction in layer height from 0.2 to 0.125 mm has been achieved with a 0.2 mm nozzle to optimize the surface quality of the printed parts.