Water-Rock Interaction WRI-17/ Applied Isotope Geochemistry AIG-14


Oral Session

E-3: Fluid-Rock Interaction in Oil & Gas, Geothermal and CCS Technology.

2023年8月21日(月) 09:00 〜 12:30 ROOM1 (Exhibition Hall 1-A)

Chairman:Shigemi Naganawa(Akita University)、Pri Utami(Gadjah Mada University)、Hiroyuki Yamagishi(Tohoku University)

09:30 〜 09:45

[OE3-02] Changes in isotopic compositions induced by ion-exchange and sorption–desorption: a study from a controlled field hydraulic fracturing experiment

*Tianming Huang1,2, Yin Long1,2, Fen Zhang1,2, Yiman Li1,2, Shengwen Qi1,2, Zhonghe Pang1,2 (1. Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (China), 2. College of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (China))

キーワード:isotopes, sorption-sorption, ion exchange, water-rock interaction, hydraulic fracturing

