Yokogawa Innovation Fair

Call for Entries / Oral session & Poster session

The slogan "Move forward together, AG2023 ~ To achieve the sustainable future" of the FY2021 Innovation Fair aims to become an organization that can co-create new value by sharing technology and information in priority policy areas in order to carry out AG2023.

Application informationOral and poster


・Oral session(Video Content
・Poster session(Image content
The video or image content will be published before the fair, and the presenter will hold a live QA  (1 hour) and respond to a comment QA during the fair period with the employee who watched it.
Date and Time (Japan time)

 8:00 - 20:00: January 20, 2022
 8:00 - 19:00: January 21, 2022
Contents release: January 14, 2022

Number of presentations

Oral session and poster session Total: 90 presentations
Entry period

October 4, 2021 (Monday) - October 15, 2021 (Friday)

Entry method

Registration for Oral/Pposter presentations has been closed.

Session themes

Share technology, information, and operations to achieve the Three Gols of AG2023 (see below).

Net-zero Emissions
Circular Economy

Live QA

During the Innovation Fair, presenters will be asked to hold one hour of questions and discussions in real time with audiences under the supervision of a facilitator. The secretariat will assign session time and facilitator, which will be announced later.

Comment QA

Presenters will check the comments left by viewers at any time during the Innovation Fair and communicate with them.

Presenters and Audiences

Yokogawa group Employees

Deadline of presentation materials

・Materials for export control (Details)November 12, 2021 (Friday)
・Final Contents: Wednesday, January 12, 2022.

The Steps from Application to the Fair
Fill out the Submission / Registration page.
2.Preparation of presentation materials
2-1. Prepare your presentation  content (video for oral session or slides for poster session)
2-2. Upload your content と the designated folder by January 12.
3.On the day of fair, what you will do/can do]
3-1. Answer the questions on the commenting tool
3-2. Attend the Live QA (MS Teams meeting) at the designated time.
*Please note that all oral presentations will be delivered in Video-on demand. You are required to submit the video file.

Materials upload server location

Materials for export control: 
ttach the materials to the email address below and send it.

Final Contents: 
 The server location will be announced in early November 2021.

Reproduction of copyrighted materials (photographs, illustrations, etc.) without permission is an infringement of copyright. Do not use other people's copyrighted works, or  copyrighted material (see examples below you can use).

Licensed materials (e.g. materials which have been paid for)
Copyright-free materials (be sure to read the Terms of Use)
While Entry

Please take note of the following points:
・The information fill out the entry form shall be mentioned on the website (intranet), the program and abstracts (for domestic and overseas participants).
If your presentation includes technical information, you will be asked to submit your presentation materials for export control purposes. (See Export Control)

Presentation material
Please use Microsoft Power Point to create presentation materials using the template. presenter's self-introduction (with photo) should be included at the beginning of the video or in the corner of the poster. Each template is available on the intra-Innovation Fair site.
・How to export to a video:
   File > Export > Create a Video : HD(720P): mp4
   Videos are limited to 20 minutes and 1GB.
・How to export to image:
   File > Export > Change File Type: [Image File Types] jpg.
   Posters are limited to 2 pages.
Presentation language
・Presentation material(video/poster):English (Japanese may be added)
・Video audio(screen reader software available):English (If it is in Japanese, English translation script required)
・Live QA:Japanese or English (Select when applying)