


一般セッション » S08. 地震発生の物理


2021年10月15日(金) 13:30 〜 15:00 B会場 (B会場)

座長:鈴木 岳人(青山学院大学)、中島 淳一(東京工業大学)

14:30 〜 14:45

[S08-16] 黒潮大蛇行がスロースリップイベントに及ぼす影響:孔内とDONETの観測データの統合解析

〇有吉 慶介1、木村 俊則1、宮澤 泰正1、ヴァ―ラモフ セルゲイ1、飯沼 卓史1、永野 憲1、ゴンバーグ ジョアン2,3、荒木 英一郎1、美山 透1、末木 健太郎1、矢田 修一郎1、堀 高峰1、高橋 成実4、小平 秀一1 (1.海洋研究開発機構、2.米国地質調査所、3.ワシントン大学、4.防災科学技術研究所)

In our recent study, we detected the pore pressure change due to the slow slip event (SSE) in March 2020 at the two borehole stations (C0002 and C0010), where the other borehole (C0006) close to the Nankai Trough seems not because of instrumental drift for the reference pressure on the seafloor to remove non-crustal deformation such as tidal and oceanic fluctuations. To overcome this problem, we use the seafloor pressure gauges of cabled network (DONET) stations nearby boreholes instead of the reference by introducing time lag between them. We confirm that the time lag is explained from superposition of theoretical tide modes. By applying this method to the pore pressure during the SSE, we find pore pressure change at C0006 about 0.6 hPa. We also investigate the impact of seafloor pressure due to ocean fluctuation on the basis of ocean modeling, which suggests that the decrease of effective normal stress from the onset to the termination of the SSE is explained by Kuroshio meander and may promote updip slip migration, and that the increase of effective normal stress for the short-term ocean fluctuation may terminate the SSE as observed in the Hikurangi subduction zone.