International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

[3DSAp2-17L] Emergency-drill Online Visual System to Build Ability against Unexpected Situations

*Kyosuke Takahashi1, Akua Kawakami2, Masaki Umemoto2, Kousuke Takahashi2, Yuuya Sasai2, Yasunori Terao2, Kousuke Nakanishi2, Naoto Nakayama2, Yuuto Morishita2, Akito Inoue2, Shuto Ogura2, Kenta Saito2, Yuta Machigashira2, Kotomi Nakanishi2, Haruki Mizushina2, Kenji Yamamoto2, Hitoshi Inomo1 (1. Kagawa University (Japan), 2. Tokushima University (Japan))

emergency drill, visual system, online, school

This paper introduces the emergency-drill system for building ability against unexpected situations. The system consists of main and local systems. Trainees at local location watch the video sent from a main location, and judge what to do on the unexpected situation that video shows. Several short scenarios are prepared before training, and trainer connects some of them according to the behavior of the trainees in ...