International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

6:10 PM - 6:30 PM

[IST3-3] A Preliminary Demonstration of High Resolution Proximity Capacitance-Optical Multimodal CMOS Image Sensor

*Tsubasa Nozaki1, Yoshiaki Watanabe1, Chia-Chi Kuo1, Koga Saito1, Takezo Mawaki1, Rihito Kuroda1 (1. Tohoku University (Japan))

Proximity capacitance, Image sensor, Multimodal, Optical

This paper presents a preliminary demonstration of the proximity capacitance-optical multimodal imaging using a 2.8 µm-pitch 1.8M pixels CMOS image sensor. The experimental results showcase the high accuracy capacitance imaging, the good functionality of optical imaging, and the high spatial resolution, validating the feasibility of the multimodal imaging principle.