International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

16:00 〜 16:20

[MEET7-3 (Invited)] Short Range Optical Communication with GaN-on-Si MicroLED and MicroPD Matrices

*Patrick Le Maitre1, Sultan El Badaoui1,2, Anthony Cibié1, Julia Simon1, Fabian Rol1, Nicolas Michit1, Bastien Miralles1, Clément Ballot1, Bernard Aventurier1, Paolo De Martino1 (1. CEA-LETI (France), 2. University Grenoble Alpes (France))

GaN, microLED, VLC, communication

(In)GaN micro LEDs have reached a high degree of maturity thanks to their development in the field of lighting. Their robustness and high efficiency make them a candidate to realize high brightness and high-resolution micro-displays. New application is emerging today: massively parallel and energy efficient short range communication with high datarate density.