The Japanese Biochemical Society

[2P-088] Regulation of neuronal polarity by VLCFAs through the lipid raft formation in the axonal growth cone

Atsuko Honda1,2, Yasuyuki Ito2, Kazutaka Ikeda3, Haruki Uchino4, Makoto Arita4, Michihiro Igrashi2 (1.Center for Res Promotion, Sch of med, Niigata Univ, 2.Dept Neurochem., Grad Sch of Med and Dent Sciences, Niigata Univ , 3.Lab of Biomolecule Analysis, KAZUSA DNA Res Inst, 4.IMS Metabolome Team, RIKEN)

キーテクノロジー:リピドミクス イメージング

Lipid rafts、VLCFAs、Neuronal polarity、Growth cone、Ceramide

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