The Japan Society of Applied Physics

10:20 〜 10:40

[O-3-03] HSQ Lithography for Nanowire First Integration: an Interesting Alternative for Gate Last Fabrication of Sub-7nm Stacked Nanowire FETs.

L. Gaben1,2,3, S. Pauliac2, J. -A. Dallery4, J. Bustos1, R. Dechanoz2, B. Hemard1, L. Koscianski2, X. Bossy1, M. -P. Samson1, S. Barraud2, S. Monfray1, F. Boeuf1, T. Skotnicki1, F. Balestra3, M. Vinet2 (1.STMicroelectronics(France), 2.CEA-LETI(France), 3.IMEP-LAHC(France), 4.Vistec Electron Beam GmbH(Germany))