The 24th Congress of the International Commission for Optics


Oral Presentation

14: Optoelectronics and Photonic Devices

[W1J] Novel Photonic Devices and Systems

2017年8月23日(水) 13:00 〜 15:15 Room J (COMET) (43F)

Session Chair:C. Sun(Tsinghua Univ.)

13:00 〜 13:30

D. Marom 1, M. Blau 1, S. Ben-Ezra 2, J.F. Ferran 3, X. Forns 3, M. Gerola 4, D. Syracusa 4, J. McDonald 5, N. Psaila 5, C. Sanchez-Costa 6, F. Ferreira 6, A. Ellis 6, F.J. Arribas 7, N. Christodoulia 8, B. Shariati 9, D. Klondis 9, I. Tomkos 9 (1.The Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem (Israel), 2.Opsys Technologies (Israel), 3.W-Onesys S.A. (Spain), 4.Fondazione Bruno Kesler (Create-Net) (Italy), 5.Optoscribe (UK), 6.Aston Univ. (UK), 7.Telefonica (Spain), 8.Optronics (Greece), 9.Athens Information Technology (Greece))



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