The 24th Congress of the International Commission for Optics


Oral Presentation

16: Quantum Optics and Atom Optics

[W1G] Cold Atoms and Trapped Ions

2017年8月23日(水) 13:00 〜 15:30 Room G (ORION) (43F)

Session Chair:U. Tanaka(Osaka Univ.), T. Hirano(Gakushuin Univ.)

15:00 〜 15:15

[W1G-07] 3D sub-attonewton force sensing with a single atom

E.W. Streed 1,2, V. Blums 1, M. Piotrowski 1,3, M.I. Hussain 1, B. Norton 1, S. Connell 1,3, S. Gensemer 1,3, M. Lobino 1 (1.Griffith Univ., Brisbane (Australia), 2.Griffith Univ., Gold Coast (Australia), 3.CSIRO Manufacturing, Pullenvale (Australia))

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