


10 スピントロニクス・マグネティクス » 10.2 スピン基盤技術・萌芽的デバイス技術

[10a-S302-1~11] 10.2 スピン基盤技術・萌芽的デバイス技術

2021年9月10日(金) 09:00 〜 12:00 S302 (口頭)

田辺 賢士(豊田工大)、関口 康爾(横浜国大)

09:30 〜 09:45

[10a-S302-3] デュアルコムファイバーレーザーを用いた非同期サンプリング法によるスピン歳差運動の時間分解測定

西川 大智1、岡野 真人1、渡邉 紳一1 (1.慶大理工)


In this study, we performed pump-probe experiments using a dual-comb fiber laser source consisting of two ultrashort pulsed fiber lasers with slightly different pulse repetition rates as the pump and probe beams, respectively. The dual-comb light source has equally spaced oscillation frequencies, all of which are stabilized to a reference frequency by a rubidium oscillator. Therefore, a time difference between the pump and probe light is automatically generated in the time domain, and the pump-probe experiment can be realized in a non-mechanical manner. Such a method is called the asynchronous sampling method. In this study, we constructed an optical system using the asynchronous sampling method and realized time-resolved measurement of spin precession.