The Japan Society of Applied Physics

249件中(21 - 30)

[C-1-3] Lateral Composition Modulation Induced Structural Anisotropy in InP/GaInP Quantu Dot System

Hong-Wen Ren、Mitsuru Sugisaki、Shigeo Sugou、Kenichi Nishi、A. Gomyo、Yasuaki Masumoto (1.Single Quantum Dot Project, ERATO, JST, c/o Optoelectronics and High Freq. Device Res. Labs. NEC Corp.、2.Optoelectronics and High Frequency Device Research Labs. NEC Corp.、3.Institute of Physics, University of Tsukuba)

1998 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials |PDF ダウンロード

[C-1-5] Infrared Photodetector with Self-Organized InAs Quantum Dots

Taehee Cho、Jongwook Kim、Jaeung Oh、Jungwoo Choe、Songcheol Hong (1.Opto-Electronics Research Center, Dept. of EE., KAIST、2.Research Center for Electronic Materials & Components, Dept. of EE., Hanyang University、3.Dept. of Physics, College of natural science, Kyunghee University)

1998 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials |PDF ダウンロード

249件中(21 - 30)