Greeting from N-goals
Welcome to The Annual Meeting of Asia & ASEAN Center for Educational Research with Spring Institute

Kenichi OTO
Professor, Graduate school of Science
Head of Next-generation outstanding learning support office
Welcome to the International Research Meeting 2022.
We are carrying out the ASCENT program, providing opportunities for advanced science education for Japanese high school students. We appreciate your collaboration with our online International Research Meeting. The participants in our program can grow together with all of you by learning in collaboration with the best high school and university students in your country.
We also hope that high school students will become aware of the SDGs’ challenges in the region and their specific responses through this program. We would like to create an environment where participants can work together to achieve this from a global perspective.
I would like to express our most profound appreciation to all those who have participated in and conducted these programs. We hope that these experiences will encourage talented young people to become prominent global personnel who actively a sustainable world.