The Summer Institute of Asia & ASEAN Center for Educational Research

Session information

SDGs Workshop 2

Live - 2022/7/24 » SDGs Workshop 2

Workshop room 8

2022/7/24 11:00~13:00

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Supervisor: Rachmy Fitriani, Institut Teknologi Bandung Indonesia
Facilitator: Rahastuti Tiara Adysti, Femmy Marsitha B, Institut Teknologi Bandung Indonesia
Jannah Harrah Gasis Masuhay, USC-Senior High School Phlippine
Poon Poosuntipong, Triamudom Thailand
Ironia Fehibrata Yusri, KORNITA SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Indonesia
Sasis Yodying, Chiang Mai University Demonstration School Thailand
Abdul Aziz Rahman, M.Pd., Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Indonesia