The 10th Asian Crop Science Association Conference


Oral sessions

KL-02 » O24: Smart Farming (Remote Sensing, ITC)

[O24] Smart Farming (Remote Sensing, ITC)

*Sponsored by Asian Association of Agricultural Colleges and Universities (AAACU)

2021年9月10日(金) 09:45 〜 11:45 Room 2 (Oral) (Farming System)

Chair: Yoshio Inoue (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Chair: Sutkhet Nakasathien (Kasetsart University, Thailand)
Chair: Hiroshi Ehara (Nagoya University, Japan)

10:55 〜 11:10

[O24-05] Yield Increase and Fertilizer Decrease by Precision Fertilization in Transplanted and Direct-Seeded Rice in the Northern Part of Japan

Hiroyuki Shiratsuchi, Hiromi Imasu, Keiko Ito, Masami Furuhata (Division of Lowland Farming Research, Tohoku Agricultural Research Center, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, Japan)

NDVI maps taken by a drone and yield maps created by a yield measurement system are available for rice production in Japan. We also developed a lodging measuring technology. The objective is to increase the yield without lodging by precision fertilization in the northern part of Japan. Precision basal-dressing and top-dressing on-farm trials were conducted in transplanted and direct-seeded rice in 2017 - 2019. The precision basal-dressing rate of each paddy field was calculated based on lodging degree and yield in the previous year. The top-dressing maps were obtained based on NDVI maps and top-dressing rate functions adjusted based on lodging degree and yield in the previous year. Fertilizer was broadcasted according to top-dressing maps with an unmanned industrial helicopter. In the transplanted rice, the precision basal dressing increased fertilization rate by 7 kgN/ha and yield by 270 kg/ha, without change of lodging degree. The precision top dressing decreased fertilization rate by 18 kgN/ha and increased yield by 160 kg/ha with slight increase of lodging. In the direct-seeded rice, the precision basal dressing decreased fertilizer by 14 kgN/ha and increased lodging slightly and yield by 160 kg/ha. The precision top dressing decreased fertilizer by 4 kgN/ha and lodging slightly, and increased yield by 310 kg/ha. The estimated benefits ranged from 11,890 to 50,380 yen/ha. In conclusion, the precision fertilization increased yield and decreased fertilizer, and consequently increased the benefits.