日本原子力学会 2014年春の年会



IV. 核燃料サイクルと材料 » 405-3 原子力施設の廃止措置技術

[I56-62] デブリ取出し技術及びシステム開発

2014年3月28日(金) 14:30 〜 16:25 I (1号館 11F)


[I57] レーザー光を用いた福島燃料デブリ取出し技術に関する研究開発


グェン フィ ロン1, 武部俊彦1, 羽成敏秀1, 山田知典1, 村松壽晴1 (1.日本JAEA)

キーワード:Fiber laser cutting, Thick section steel, Molten metal temperature, Thermography

Laser cutting of thick-section stainless steel using assist gas is one of the major applications of high power lasers in the decommissioning of nuclear power plants.  It is required that a control system could perform remote cutting using a fiber laser. The molten metal temperature is a key factor which directly affects the cutting quality. In this work, we have investigated the transient temperature characteristics of molten metal relating to the cutting performance. In addition, the relationship between temperature of top surface and inside material was determined by using thermography and embedded thermocouple.