日本原子力学会 2014年春の年会



III. 核分裂工学 » 301-2 炉設計と炉型戦略,核変換技術

[K14-18] 革新炉・中性子利用

2014年3月26日(水) 15:50 〜 17:15 K (1号館 12C)


[K16] Long-life, small prismatic HTGR designs for passive decay-heat removal

Odmaa Sambuu1, Obara Toru2 (1.Department of Nuclear Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2.Research Laboratory for Nuclear Reactors, Tokyo Institute of Technology)

キーワード:passive safety feature, condition for decay heat removal, above-ground reactor, underground reactor, sensitivity analysis, small prismatic HTGR

Conditions for design parameters of small, prismatic HTGRs for passive decay heat removal were obtained using the fundamental heat transfer mechanisms in previous works. Using the condition, the appropriate size of reactor core and building was evaluated for reactor with power of 100 MWth having maximum power density of 3W/cc which is operating at temperature of 1123K. Consequently, criticality and burn-up analyses for the proposed reactor was performed to confirm the possibility of designing a long-life core for the core size and reactor power which meets the condition of removing decay heat successfully. Then optimizations for core burn-up with burnable poison particles to suppress the excess reactivity in the beginning of the cycle were carried out in the present work.