Oral Presentation
[1G08-11] Aseismic Engineering 1
Wed. Sep 7, 2016 4:40 PM - 5:45 PM Room G (Kumume City Plaza - Studio 2)
Chair: Tetsuo Imaoka (HGNE)
4:40 PM - 4:55 PM
[1G08] Establishment of the technical basis for applying viscous dampers in nuclear power plants
(1)Project outline
*Yukiko Narahara1, Hiroshi Katayama1, Tomokazu Higuchi1, Ryo Ito1, Keiji Matsunaga1, Tadashi Murofushi1 (1.Toshiba Corporation)
4:55 PM - 5:10 PM
[1G09] Establishment of the technical basis for applying viscous dampers in nuclear power plants
(2)Viscous damper characteristic tests assuming the environment of nuclear power plant
*Tomokazu Higuchi1, Hiroshi Katayama1, Kiyoshi Hattori1, Ryo Ito1, Jun Nakajima1, Yukiko Narahara1 (1.Toshiba Corporation)
5:10 PM - 5:25 PM
[1G10] Establishment of the technical basis to apply the viscous damper in nuclear power plant
Development of seismic response analysis for structures with the viscous damper
*Ryo Ito1, Hiroshi Katayama1, Kiyoshi Hattori1, Tomokazu Higuchi1, Jun Nakajima1, Yukiko Narahara1 (1.Toshiba Corporation)
5:25 PM - 5:40 PM
*Masato Abe1, Tomoyoshi Watakabe1, Makoto Moriizumi2, Kazuyuki Tsukimori1 (1.Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 2.Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy)
Time reserved for Chair (5:40 PM - 5:45 PM)