


III. 核分裂工学 » 301-2 炉設計と炉型戦略,核変換技術

[1L08-12] 新型炉設計

2016年9月7日(水) 14:45 〜 16:05 L会場 (久留米シティプラザ 大会議室2)

座長:木村 礼(東芝)

14:45 〜 15:00

[1L08] Introduction of rock-like oxide fuel in PBR with accumulative fuel loading scheme

*Irwan Liapto Simanullang1, Jun Nishiyama1, Toru Obara1 (1.Tokyo Institute of Technology)

キーワード:Pebble bed reactor, Accumulative fuel loading scheme, Rock-like oxide fuel, High discharged burnup

A rock-like oxide (ROX) fuel was introduced in PBR with accumulative fuel loading scheme to improve the stability of spent fuel under geological disposal. The core with ROX fuel showed high discharged burnup of 198 GWd/t could be achieved but the core lifetime was about 6.6 years. In addition, to satisfy the safety requirement, a negative temperature coefficient was achieved for ROX fuel throughout the operation period.