


II. 放射線工学と加速器・ビーム科学 » 202-2 放射線物理,放射線計測

[2O01-05] 原子力プラントモニタリング,ニュートリノ

2016年9月8日(木) 09:35 〜 10:55 O会場 (くるめりあ六ツ門 セミナー室)

座長:岩元 洋介(JAEA)

10:20 〜 10:35

[2O04] Calculation of Low-energy Electron Antineutrino Spectra Emitted from Nuclear Reactors with Consideration of Fuel Burn-up

*Eka Sapta Riyana1, Shoya Suda1, Kenji Ishibashi1, Hideaki Matsuuraa1, Jun-ichi Katakura2 (1.Dept. Applied Quantum Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Kyushu University, Japan, 2.Dept. Nuclear System Safety Engineering, Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan)

キーワード:PWR type reactor, Low energy electron antineutrino spectra

We are interested in neutrinos emitted by reactors in a region of keV, since they may have information on fuel burn-up and may be detected in future with advanced measurement technology. In this work we present neutrino spectra from various reactors such as typical PWR reactor and others types of reactors for comparison in the low energy region. Our result shows the electron antineutrino flux in the low energy region increases with burn-up of nuclear fuel by accumulated nuclides with low Q values in beta decay.