


IV. 核燃料サイクルと材料 » 403-1 原子炉化学,放射線化学,腐食化学,水質管理

[3C04-06] ラジオリシス

2016年9月9日(金) 10:20 〜 11:10 C会場 (久留米シティプラザ 展示室2)

座長:寺地 巧(INSS)

10:50 〜 11:05

[3C06] A Large-Scale Demonstration Facility for Light-Water Detritiation

*Nicephore Bonnet1, David Carlson1 (1.Kurion)

キーワード:Detritiation, CECE, nuclear power plants, economics

The construction and performance of Kurion’s prototype system for light-water detritiation are presented and used for the conceptual design of its full-scale Modular Detritiation System (MDS®). This technology will be beneficial for a more flexible deployment, operation, and dismantlement of nuclear power plants.