


III. 核分裂工学 » 307-1. 計算科学技術

[1B13-17] 熱流動現象の数値解析

2016年3月26日(土) 16:05 〜 17:25 B会場 (講義棟B棟 B101)

座長:中島 憲宏(JAEA)

16:20 〜 16:35

[1B14] Water Spreading on Floor by Explicit Moving Particle Simulation Method

*Zidi Wang1, Tiangang Zhang1, Kohei Murotani1, Kazuya Shibata1, Seiichi Koshizuka1 (1.University of Tokyo)

キーワード:numerical simulation, water spreading, moving particle simulation, explicit method

In order to simulate the flooding phenomenon in nuclear power plant caused by the water tank breaking, LOCA and so on, validation of water spreading on floor needs to be studied. In this paper, the Explicit Moving Particle Simulation method is employed to analyze water spreading on floor. The simulation results, especially the leading edge behaviors, are compared with the experimental data. Besides, convergence of the particle sizes is investigated. Additionally, simulation with polygon wall boundary model is also presented in this study.