


IV. 核燃料サイクルと材料 » 405-2. 放射性廃棄物処分と環境

[2F05-09] Cs挙動

2016年3月27日(日) 10:35 〜 12:00 F会場 (講義棟B棟 B201)

座長:小林 大志(京大)

10:35 〜 10:50

[2F05] Desorption of Cesium Ions from Vermiculite with Sea Water by Hydrothermal Process

*Xiangbiao Yin1, Hideharu Takahashi1, Yusuke Inaba1, Kenji Takeshita1 (1.Tokyo Institute of Technology)

キーワード:Cesium desorption, hydrothermal , volume reduction, ion exchange

Cesium ions (Cs+) strongly intercalated in vermiculite clay (Verm) had been effectively removed using sea water for its free utility, totally environmental friendly feature and within containing numerous salt by hydrothermal treatment process (HTT) which can help significantly promote desorption by cation exchange mechanism in subcritical condition.