


IV. 核燃料サイクルと材料 » 401-1. 基礎物性

[3G01-05] 基礎物性1

2016年3月28日(月) 09:30 〜 10:55 G会場 (講義棟B棟 B203)

座長:宇埜 正美(福井大)

10:15 〜 10:30

[3G04] Deposition of Cs2Mo2O7 on Stainless Steel in Argon Atmosphere

*Thi-Mai-Dung DO1, Supamard SUJATANOND2, Toru OGAWA1 (1.Nagaoka University of Technology, 2.Thammasat University)

キーワード:Cesium dimolybdate, severe accident, SUS304, interaction

Cesium dimolybdate (Cs2Mo2O7) could be formed from cesium molybdateat at high temperature, so it is necessary to study the deposition of Cs2Mo2O7 on SUS304 in order to improve the understanding on reactor severe accident. The thermodynamics of interaction between Cs2Mo2O7 and SUS304 at different temperature is analyszed.