


II. 放射線工学と加速器・ビーム科学 » 201-1 原子核物理,核データ測定・評価・検証,核反応工学

[1M17-22] 中性子捕獲断面積,光核反応

2017年9月13日(水) 16:45 〜 18:15 M会場 (N棟 N304講義室)

座長:国枝 賢 (JAEA)

17:15 〜 17:30

[1M19] TOF法を用いたKURRI-LINACの時間依存性バックグラウンドに関する評価研究

*李 在洪1、堀 順一2、佐野 忠史2、中島 健2 (1. 京都大学 原子核工学、2. 京都大学 原子炉実験所)

キーワード:neutron capture cross section, time-of-flight (TOF) method, time-dependent background, Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute - Linear Accelerator (KURRI-LINAC)

In the measurement of neutron capture cross section using time-of-flight (TOF) method, the time-dependent background due to scattered neutrons and scattered gamma rays in the sample is a very important factor to obtain accurate neutron capture cross section data. For this reason, the present study focused on the evaluation of the time-dependent background in the Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute - Linear Accelerator (KURRI-LINAC) using the TOF method, and this evaluation was carried out under measurement conditions of an assembly of 12 BGO detectors, an octagonal moderator and the 12.7 m of neutron flight length.