2017 Fall Meeting

Presentation information

Oral presentation

III. Fission Energy Engineering » 302-1 Advanced Reactor System

[2J15-19] Pump and Reactor Vessel of Na-cooled Reactor

Thu. Sep 14, 2017 4:05 PM - 5:25 PM Room J (C309 - C Block)

Chair:Yuichi Ohtani (MHI)

5:05 PM - 5:20 PM

[2J19] Preliminary Studies for Applicability related to the Large Reactor Vessel of Pool-type SFR

(3)Thermal Transient Evaluation

*Yoshitaka Chikazawa1, Shigenobu Kubo1, Takayuki Miyagawa2, Masao eto3 (1. JAEA, 2. JAPC, 3. MFBR)

Keywords:sodium-cooled fast reactor, pool type reactor, thermal transient

Thermal stress on the reactor vessel at the sodium level has been evaluated. The reactor vessel structure has been improved considering severe seimic conditions. Using the improved design and taking into account sodium level transient during scram, creep fatigue and ratchet on the reactor vessel wall at the sodium level have been evalated.