2017 Fall Meeting

Presentation information

Oral presentation

IV. Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Nuclear Materials » 401-1 Basic Properties

[2P01-05] Properties of Control Rod Materials

Thu. Sep 14, 2017 9:30 AM - 10:55 AM Room P (Seminar room 2 - Frontier Research in Applied Sciences Building)

Chair:Mutsumi Hirai (NFD)

9:30 AM - 9:45 AM

[2P01] Study on Eutectic Melting Behavior of Control Rod Materials in Core Disruptive Accidents of Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactors

(1)Project Overview

*Hidemasa Yamano1, Toshihide Takai1, Tomohiro Furukawa1, Yuki Emura1, Masaki Kurata1, Hideo Higashi2, Hiroyuki Fukuyama2, Tsuyoshi Nishi3, Xiaoxing Liu4, Masahiro Furuya5 (1. JAEA, 2. Tohoku Univ., 3. Ibaraki Univ., 4. Kyushu Univ., 5. CRIEPI)

Keywords:Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor, Core Disruptive Accident, Boron Carbide, Stainless Steel, Eutectic Melting Reaction

A research project has been started for thermophysical property evaluation of eutectic melt composed of B4C as control rod material and stainless steel (SS), eutectic reaction experiments, material analysis, physical modelling of eutectic reaction and reactor application analyses in order to simulate the B4C-SS eutectic melting and relocation behaviors in core disruptive accident of sodium-coold fast reactor. This paper reports the project overview and the first year (JFY 2016) outcomes.